Fix: Overwatch 2 Queue Not Moving

In this article, we will try to solve the queue not moving issue that Overwatch 2 players often encounter.

Oct 11, 2022 - 15:37
Fix: Overwatch 2 Queue Not Moving
Fix: Overwatch 2 Queue Not Moving

Overwatch 2 players may have to wait inline when they want to fight by finding an opponent in the game. If you are in front of 40, 100, 1000 or 40000 people while waiting inline and the queue is not moving, your access to the game may be restricted. If you are facing suchaproblem, you can find the solution by following the steps below.

Why Overwatch 2 Queue Doesn't Move?

Overwatch 2 states that when players want to find an opponent and playamatch in the game, they are stuck in the queue and wait constantly. Actually, this post is notabug, it'sarule set by the developers. In order for us to skip this article, unfortunately, you have to wait foratotal of 40, 100, 1000 or 40000 people to enter the game. Reddit users, who say that this rule is too strict and annoying, are looking for ways to quickly bypass this article. There is only one aspect of skipping this article, and that is to change the region and determine which server the users are receiving intensive logins.

How To Fix Overwatch 2 Queue Not Moving Error

In order to fix this problem, we can reach the solution of the problem by following the suggestion below.

1-) Change Region

It states that Overwatch 2 players who want to skip this article can quickly enter the matches by changing the region. By realizing this suggestion, we can quickly connect to the matches.

  • If the Overwatch 2 game is open, close it.
  • Run and select the game Overwatch 2.
  • Change server by clicking the "World" icon at the bottom left.

After making the region change, you can try to connect to the match by running the Overwatch 2 game. If you are facing the same problem, you can try to change the region again.

2-) Wait for the Server to Fill

If the above process is notasolution for you, unfortunately, the only thing we can do is wait for the server to fill up. Although it isadifficult situation for the players, it is useful for the developers to change this rule.

Yes, friends, we have solved our problem under this title. If your problem persists, you can ask about the errors you encounter by entering our FORUM platform.

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