Fixing Fifa 19 DirectX Error
Although it hurts its users especially in Turkey in terms of its cost, the indispensable part of our computers or playstations has undoubtedly become FIFA 19. The game, which comes up with serious arrangements and innovations, has a few troublesome flaws. One of them is the FIFA 19 DirectX Flaw.
DirectX, which was created by Microsoft and allows the fans to keep better performances, can sometimes be the main driver of issues like this.
In this article, we will give details about FIFA 19 DirectX Error and its solution. It will be enough to do a few small operations on the title, which you can examine as DirectX Error Fix on the Internet.
We can fix Fifa 2020 DirectX Error in 2 ways;
- We open our Control Panel and come to the Uninstall a Program option.
- If there is NVIDIA Grapichs Driver among the programs that we have downloaded, we uninstall it.
- After completing our uninstallation, we will search google for the video card driver.
- Since my video card is nvidia geforce 740m, I search the google search engine as nvidia geforce 740m driver.
- Let's go to the NVIDIA site that was in the first place.
- After saying accept and install, let's install our downloaded program.
- After a quick setup, we can now enter FIFA 19.
- We open the Fifa 19 file location.
- In the window that opens, we enter the FIFASetup folder and run our program called fifaconfig.exe.
- In the menu that opens, click on Game Settings, where it says Directx, and change it from 12.0 to 11.0. (Our frame rate should be locked to 60.0 fps.)
- After this process, we close the program by pressing the OK button.
- Right click on our FIFA 19 program and open the features.
- By opening the Compatibility tab, we make this program run as an administrator.