How To Fix CS:GO Engine Error Issue?
In this article, we will try to solve the "Engine error failed to lock index buffer in cmeshdx8" error that CS:GO players encounter after opening the game.
CS:GOplayers encounter the error "Engine error failed to lock indexbuffer in cmeshdx8" while opening the game,and theiraccess to the game is restricted. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can findasolutionby following the suggestionsbelow.
What is CS:GO Engine Error Issue?
This error is usually causedby the 32-bit operating system of your system. Of course, we may encounter suchan error not onlybecause of thisproblem,butalsobecause of many otherproblems. For this, we will give you information on how to fix theproblemby mentioningafew suggestions.
How To Fix CS:GO Engine Error Issue
We can solve theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow to fix this error.
1-) Check Your Operating System
Users who encounter suchan error in the CS:GO game observe that they encounter suchan errorbecause theyare in the 32-bit version of the operating system. For this, they observe that they eliminate theproblemby upgrading the operating system to 64bits. To upgrade your Windows version to 64-bit, you need to format your computer withanew 64-bit version of Windows OS.
2-) Check Game Frameworks
The lack of game frameworks on your computer may cause various errors in the game. Therefore, your computer must have DirectX, .NET Framework, VCRedistapplications.
- Click to Download Current .NET Framework.
- Click to Download Updated VCRedist.
- Click to Download Current DirectX
Afterperforming the update, you can restart your computerand run the gameand check if theproblempersists.
3-) Update Graphics Card Driver
In such continuityproblems, we may encounteran update error in the graphics card. For this, we will need to update the graphics card. If you're ready, let's get started.
For Users with Nvidia Graphics Card;
- First ofall, Nvidia company's Geforce Experience We need to downloadand install theprogram.
- After the downloadand installationprocess, we open ourprogramand open the Drivers menuabove.
- Download our updateby clicking the Downloadbutton thatappearsabove.
- After our download is complete, let'sperform the installationprocessby clicking the quick installationbutton.
- Restart your computerafter thisprocess is finished.
For Users with AMD Graphics Card;
- Publishedby AMD company AMD Radeon Software We need to downloadand install theprogram.
- After the downloadand installationprocess, we open ourprogramand click the Check for Updatesbutton under the driverand software menu on the right,and check whether our video card is up to date.
- You can restart your computerbyperforming the update.
After updating our graphics driverand restarting our computer, we can try to open the Valorant game.
4-) Edit CFG File
We can eliminate theproblemby saving the speciallyprepared CFG file to the CS:GO game file.
- First ofall, download the cfg filebyaccessing thelink we will leave on the side. Click to download the custom cfg file.
- We will need to open the rar file you downloadedand transfer the "autoexec.cfg" file to the CS:GO directory.
- First we will need to find out our Steam ID. Open the first siteby typing "Steam ID Finder" into Google search or reach thelinkaddress I will leave on the side. Steam ID Finder
- Thenpaste your Steamprofileaddress into theboxand search.
- Learn your "Steam32 ID"address on the screen that opens. My Steam ID showsas "359493488".
- Then, let's reach the CS:GO save fileby following the filepathbelow.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\STEAM ID\730\local\cfg (STEAM ID is your Steam32 ID you specifiedabove.)
- Copy the "autoexec.cfg" file in the rar file we downloaded into the opened cfg file.
- After successful completion, run the Steamprogramand open the "Library" menu.
- Then right-click on the game "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"and click on "Properties".
- The "General" menu in the new window that opens willbe open. Go to the "Startup Settings"box in the General menuandpaste the following commands.
- -console -tickrate 128 -execautoexec.cfg -novid -nojoy +rate 786432 -no-browser +cl_forcepreload 1 -d3d9ex -tickrate 128
After thisprocess, you can run the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameand check if theproblempersists.