How To Fix Epic Games Socket Error?
"Sorry, There Was A Socket Open Error." We will try to resolve the error in this article.
Epic Games users, when they want to log in to theiraccount via the Epic Games Launcher, encounter the error "Sorry, There Was A Socket Open Error.",and theiraccess to theiraccount is restricted. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can findasolutionby following the suggestionsbelow.
What is Epic Games Socket Error?
This error can oftenbe causedbyanetworkproblem,preventing you fromaccessing youraccount. Of course, we may encounter suchan error not onlybecause of the networkproblem,butalsobecause of manyproblems. For this, we will try to solve theproblemby telling youafew suggestions.
How To Fix Epic Games Socket Error
We can solve theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow to fix this error.
1-) Check Your Connection
Theproblem with the internet connection can cause many errors. If your internet connection is slowing down or disconnected, let's giveafew suggestions to fix it.
- If your internet speed is slowing down, turn your modem offand then onagain. Thisprocess will relieve your internetalittlebit.
- We can eliminate theproblemby clearing the Internet cache.
Clear DNS Cache
- Type cmd in the start search screenand runasadministrator.
- Type the followinglines of code in order on the commandprompt screenandpress enter.
- ipconfig /flushdns
- netsh int ipv4 reset
- netsh int ipv6 reset
- netsh winhttp resetproxy
- netsh winsock reset
- ipconfig /registerdns
- After this operation, it will show that your dns cacheandproxies havebeen cleared successfully.
After thisprocess, you can open theprogramby restarting the computer. If theproblempersists, let's move on toanother suggestion.
2-) Turn Your Modem Offand On
Turn off your modem, wait 20 secondsand turn itback on. During thisprocess, your ipaddress will changeand willprevent various networkproblems. If theproblempersists, let's move on toanother suggestion.
3-) Register Another DNS Server
We can eliminate theproblemby registeringanother dns server on the computer.
- Open the Control Paneland select the option Networkand Internet
- Open the Networkand Sharing Center on the screen that opens.
- Click on Changeadapter settings on the left.
- Right-click on your Connection Type to open the Properties menu.
- Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4).
- Let'sapply the settingsby typing the Google DNS server we will givebelow.
- Preferred DNS server:
- Other DNS server:
- Click on the Confirm settings on exit optionandpress the OKbuttonandperform theactions.
After thisprocess, restart the computerand run the Epic Games Launcherprogram.
4-) Create Private Port for Epic Games Launcher
If none of theabove suggestions work for you, we can fix theproblemby setting theport configured for the Epic Games Launcher.
- In the start search screen, type "Windows Defender Firewall"and open it.
- Click on "Advanced Settings" on the left side of the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Inbound Rules" option on the left side of the window that opensand click on the "New Rule" option on the right.
- Choose the "Port" option in the new window that opensand click the "Next"button.
- After thisprocess, select the "TCP" optionand type theport we will leavebelow in theboxand click the "Next"button.
- 80, 433, 443, 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, 5222, 6250, 12000-65000
- Then select the "Allow Connection" option,press the "Next"button, set three optionsas selectedand click the "Next"button .
- Then, give the name of theport where weperformed the installationprocessandpress the "Finish"button.
After thisprocess, run the Epic Games Launcherprogramand check if theproblempersists.
5-) Clear Web Cache
- First ofall, we close the Epic Gamesprogram completely with the help ofatask manager.
- Open the folderby typing "%localappdata%" in the start search screen.
- Open the "Epic Games Launcher" folder in the opened folder.
- Open the "Saved" folder on the screen weare facing.
- After thisprocess, we delete the folder named ""webcache".
- Then we restart our computerand run the Epic Gamesprogramasanadministrator.
6-) Turn off SSL Security
We can fix thisproblemby disabling the SSL security of theprogram. For this;
- First ofall, close Epic Games completely with the help ofatask manager.
- Openby typing "Run" in the start search screen.
- Then,paste the directory I left on the run search screen to reach: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Config\Windows" (username written Type your Windows username in the space.)
- Open the file "Engine.ini" in the opened folder withanotepad.
- The file we open willbe empty. Paste theline of code we leftbelow into the empty fileand save it.
ForceNonSslCdn = false
After thisprocess, you can try to log in to youraccountby running the Epic Gamesapplication. If theproblempersists, let's move on to our next suggestion.
7-) Turn off Antivirus Program
First ofall, we can observe the cause of this errorby turning offanyantivirusprogram we use so that we can guess why. If youare usinganantivirusprogram other than Windows Defender, turn it off completely. If youare only using Windows Defender, we will tell you the steps you need to do in order.
Turn Off Real-Time Protection
- First ofall, close "Epic Games" with the help ofatask manager.
- Then open the start search screenby typing "Windows security settings".
- Click on "Virusand threatprotection" on the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Manage settings" option under the "Virusand threatprotection settings" heading in the menu.
- Disable the "Real-timeprotection" option on the screen that opens.
Turn Off Ransom File Protection
Windows can make unnecessary fileblocking in someplaces of the Windows Defender software, which it developed to secure the operating system. For this, we can run the gameby turning off thisprotection foralimited timeby makingafew settings.
- First ofall, close "Epic Games" with the help ofatask manager.
- Open the start search screen.
- Open the search screenby typing "Windows security settings".
- Click on the "Virusand Threat Protection" option on the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Ransomware Protection" option in the menu.
- Turn off "Controlled Folder Access" on the screen that opens.
After thisprocess, you can try to log in to youraccountby running the Epic Gamesprogram.