How To Fix Geforce Now Error Code 0x800b1004?
We will provide information on how to fix "Error Code: 0x800b1004" that Geforce Now users encounter within the application.
Geforce Now users are prevented from accessing the application by encountering the error "Error Code: 0x800b1004" and "There Was A Problem Connecting To Geforce Now" in the application. If you are facing suchaproblem, you can findasolution by following the suggestions below.
What is GeForce Now Error Code 0x800b1004?
This error is usually caused byaproblem with the servers.
In addition, the cache problem in the Geforce Now application will also cause you to encounter such an error.
Of course, you may encounter such an error not only because of this problem, but also because of many other problems.
For this, we will try to solve the problem by telling youafew suggestions.
How To Fix Geforce Now Error Code 0x800b1004
To fix this error, you can find the solution to the problem by following the suggestions below.
1-) Change Server Location
The problem with the GeForce Now servers will cause you to encounter various problemslike this.
Therefore, you can fix the problem by changing the Geforce Now server location.
- Run the GeForce Now app.
- Access the settings menu.
- Then scroll down and go to "Server Location" and replace "Auto" with any server.
After changing the server, you can check if the problem persists.
2-) Uninstall and Reinstall Geforce Now
If the above suggestion is not the solution for you, you can fix the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling Geforce Now.
- First of all, close the Geforce Now application with the help of the task manager.
- Type "%localappdata%" into the start search screen and open it.
- Open the "NVIDIA Corporation" folder on the screen that opens.
- Then delete the "GeforceNOW" folder.
After the deletion is completed successfully, re-install the Geforce Now application by accessing thelink we left below.
After the installation is complete, run the application and check it.
3-) Use in Browser
If none of the above suggestions are the solution for you, you can use Geforce Now in the browser until the problem is resolved.
For this, first of all, reach thelink we will leave below.
Log in to your Geforce Now account at thelink you have reached and check it through the browser.