How To Fix Instagram Not Working Message?

Instagram users observe that messages are not working due to some problems. In this article, we will provide information about the instagram "dm not working" problem.

Jul 6, 2022 - 12:23
Jul 6, 2022 - 12:23
How To Fix Instagram Not Working Message?
How To Fix Instagram Not Working Message?

Instagram users say that their messageboxes do not work, messagesare not receivedand sent. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can findasolutionby following the suggestionsbelow.

Why Doesn't Instagram DM Work?

Thisproblem is usually causedby maintenance work or crashes on Instagram servers. Of course, not onlybecause of this,butalso update, data, cookiesand internetproblems may cause us to encounter such errors. For this, we will try to solve theproblemby telling youafew suggestions.

How To Fix Instagram Not Working Post?

We will try to solve theproblemby talkingabout theproblem of instagram dm not working, instagram message not sending, instagram dm not openingand instagram dmbox not opening.

1-) Check Your Internet Connection

Anyproblem with your internet connection can cause you to encounter suchproblems. For this, you can check your internetand figure out what is causing theproblem. If youare connecting via Wi-Fi, refresh your internetby turning your modem off/on. If youare connecting via mobile data, refresh your internetby turning your mobile data off/onand observe what is causing yourproblem.

2-) Update the Application

Anybug found in theapplication may havebeen detectedand fixedby the developers. For this we will need to check if theapplication is up to date. For this, open the Google Play or App Storeapplicationand check if the Instagramapplication is up to date. If theapplication is not up to date, you can update itand check if theproblempersists.

3-) Deleteand Reinstall the Application

Anyproblem that occurs within theapplication may cause us to encounter such errors. For this, we can eliminate theproblemby clearing the cacheand data hosted in the Instagramapplication.

How to Delete Instagram App for Android Devices?

Note: Thisprocess may differ for each device.

  • Open the Settings menuand click "Applications".
  • List theapplicationsby clicking "Manage Applications" on the screen that opens.
  • After thisprocess, select the "Instagram"applicationand click on the "Clear Data" option.
  • This will help clear cacheand data. Then click "Uninstall" to uninstall theapplication.
  • After the uninstallprocess is completed successfully, let's open the Google Playapplicationand install the Instagramapplication.

After the Instagramapplication is successfully installed, open theapplicationand check if theproblempersists.

How to Delete Instagram App for IOS Devices?

  • Open the Settings menuand click "General".
  • Open the "iPhone Storage" menu in the menu.
  • Select the "Instagram"application on the screen that opens.
  • Press theblue "Delete App"buttonaboveand confirm.
  • After thisprocess, click on the red text "Delete Application"belowand confirm.
  • This operation we have carried out has cleared the dataand cacheand completelypurged the Instagramapplication from the device. Then open the App Storeand install the Instagramapp.

After the Instagramapplication is successfully installed, open theapplicationand check if theproblempersists.

4-) Restart Your Phone

Your device ensures fastand optimized operationbybacking up many caches in thebackground. If the cacheand databacked up in thebackground encounteranyproblems, it may cause us to encounter manyapplicationproblems. For this, you can help clear cacheand databy restarting your device. After restarting your device, you can run the Instagramapplicationand check if theproblempersists.

5-) Instagram May Have Technical Problem

Instagrambrings many featuresby renewing itself dayby day. Although the renewed interfaceand optimization improvementsare going well, the code stacks running in thebackground may encounter manyproblems whilepassing through the user experience. One of them maybe the "Instagram messages not working"problem in ourarticle. So we can wait for Instagram developers to fix this issue.

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