How To Fix Valorant Account Suspension Error?

"Your access to VALORANT has been temporarily suspended due to game violations reported by players and sanctioned by riot." We will try to resolve the error in this article.

Jul 21, 2022 - 12:21
Jul 21, 2022 - 12:24
How To Fix Valorant Account Suspension Error?
How To Fix Valorant Account Suspension Error?

Valorantplayersare restricted fromaccessing their currentaccount when they try to open the game, encountering the error "Your access to VALORANT hasbeen temporarily suspended due to game violations reportedby theplayersand confirmedby the rebellion.". If youare facing suchaproblem, you can easily find out why youraccount was suspendedby following the suggestionbelow.

Why Was My Valorant Account Suspended?

Riot Games wants fairplay in the Valorant game it has developed. For this, rulesareadded to the gameandpenaltiesand suspensionsare made. If these rulesare tried tobe violated in the game, it canbe frustrated withan inevitable end. For this,actingby following the rules in the game,anattitude that will not causeboth turmoilandpeace in the game canbe created. For this, we will explain to youby showing you the rules of Valorant in item. If you have violated the rule in thisarticle, you maybe suspended orpunished.

AFK, Getting Out of Queue or Applying Friendly Fire

Abbreviation for AFK (away from keyboard). This expression means that theplayer is notat their computerat the time orpretending tobeby notplaying/communicating with theiragent. In summary, it isassumed thataplayer who remains AFK is on the courtbut does not takeanactivepart in the match, giving his teamadisadvantage.

Quitting means that theplayer is disconnected from the server on theagent selection screenand therefore his team starts the match withoutanagent.

Whenaplayer uses spyabilities to damage or killateammate, this is called friendly fire.

Attitude Against Team Play

You maybebanned from communicating in the game or suspended from the game temporarily orpermanently when you exhibitbehavior that disturbs thepeace of the game, is disturbing or discriminating. Hereare some examples ofbehaviors you shouldavoid:

  • Use of language that is offensive,abusive or offensive.
  • Use of offensive language towardsplayers'performance or other situations.
  • Makingany discriminatory or hateful speech. These include discourse targetingaplayer's race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation,and gender.
  • Deliberatelypoisoning the game to otherplayers through in-gameactions suchas quitting or stopping trying.
  • Raising hostility, disagreement, orargument in order to disrupt gameplay.
  • Using inappropriate in-game usernames, including obscene, derogatory or disparaging content.


Whether cheating takes youaway, it will lead you to suspension. The dedicated teambehind VALORANT hasbeen steadily developing systems (eg Riot Vanguard) to detect everything frombots to third-party software for some time now. That's why you have to fight virtuouslyand winalonebut onlybypracticing your skills (andalittle luck never hurtanyone).

Inflating Account

Although we're talkingabout victory using skills, we mean your skills here, notanyone else's. So inflatingaccounts isprohibited.

If you haven't heard this termbefore, let me explain. Inflatingaccounts isaform of cheating. Aplayer will gain ranked matches foranotherplayerby logging into theiraccount, thereby increasing their rank (i.e. inflating them). Account inflating is not onlyadeceptiveact that harms the integrity of VALORANT, italso violates the Terms of Servicebecause youare notallowed to share youraccountand login information (username/password) withanyone else. As with other types of cheats, inflating isaviolation that can result in suspension.

My Valorant Account Is Temporarily Suspended What Should I Do?

If youraccount is temporarily suspended in the Valorant game, it is necessary to contact the support teams. Anyattitude you exhibit in the game canbe recorded on the systemand you can get informationabout which rule you violated. To do this, contact the support teamsby using thelinkbelow. Their support team will take care of youand explain why youare facing suchaproblem. You will get informationabout when the violation willbeliftedby giving thepenaltyappliedby the system. But let me give youan explanation.

Since theapplied violationpenalty is givenby the system, this situation will notbe changedand you willbeable to obtain informationabout when this violation willbelifted. If you think there isadifferent situation, you can get over this situation inashort timeby talking to the support teams for security.


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