Minecraft Is Currently Not In Your Account Error Code 0x803f8001 How To Fix
When Minecraft players run the game, they encounter "Minecraft is currently not available for your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Store." We will try to resolve the error in this article.
Minecraftplayersare restricted fromaccessing the gameby encountering the error "Minecraft is currently notavailable for youraccount. Make sure youare logged in to the Store." while running the game. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can findasolutionby following the suggestionsbelow.
What is Minecraft Error Code 0x803f8001?
Minecraft error code 0x803f8001 canbe causedby many reasons. For example, the Microsoft Store not workingproperly may cause us to encounter suchaproblem. Possible reasons for Minecraft Bedrock crash or shutdown issue canbelistedas follows:
- Javalibrary is missing or may notbe installed.
- Microsoft Store may notbe workingproperly.
- Xbox Live may notbe workingproperly.
- The Xbox Game Bar may notbe workingproperly.
We have explained thepossible causes of the error we encounteredabove. Now we willprovide information on how to fix the Minecraft Bedrock crashing issue.
How To Fix Minecraft Error Code 0x803f8001?
We can solve theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow to fix this error.
1-) Reconnect to your Microsoft Account
Try to reconnectby closing your Microsoftaccount within the Xboxprogram. Performing thisaction can help us resolvepotential errors.
- Open the Xboxprogram.
- Click on the "Profile" icon in the upper right cornerand click "Logout".
After thisprocess, log in to your Microsoftaccountagainand check if theproblempersists.
2-) Check XBOX Services
Disabling Xbox services may cause us to encounter suchproblems.
- In the start search screen, type "Services"and open it.
- In the screen that opens, open the services we will leavebelow in order,and set the startup type to "Automatic"and start the service status.
- Xbox Accessory Management Service
- Xbox Live Auth Manager
- Xbox Live Game Save
- Xbox Live Networking Service
After thisprocess, you can open the Minecraft gameand check if theproblempersists.
3-) Reset Microsoft Store
Variousproblems that occur on the
Microsoft Store can cause suchaproblem. For this, we can solve suchproblemsby resetting Microsoft Store.
- Type "Microsoft Store" in the start search screenand right click on itand click "Application Settings".
- Start the resetprocessbypressing the "Reset"button on the screen that opens.
After thisprocess, check if theproblempersistsby logging into theapplication.
4-) Repair XBOX Application
Variousproblems on the
Xbox Game Bar can cause suchaproblem. For this, we can fix suchproblemsby repairing the Xbox Game Bar.
- Type "Xbox Game Bar" in the start search screenand right click on itand click "Application Settings".
- Start the resetprocessby clicking the "Repair"button on the screen that opens.
If thisprocess did not solve it for you,perform theaboveprocessagainandpress the "Reset"button to reset theprocesses. After thisprocess, run theapplicationagainand check if theproblempersists.
5-) Microsoft Identity Provider
You maybe encountering suchaproblembecause your Microsoft Store does not haveaMicrosoft Identity Provider.
- First ofall, you canaccess the Microsoft Storeby clicking thelink I'll leave on the side. Download Microsoft Identity Provider Click For.
- Open Microsoft Storeby clicking "Get in Store App" on the screen that opens.
- Then start the installationprocess.
After the installationprocess is completed successfully, let's move on to our other suggestion.
6-) Uninstalland Reinstall Game Service
- Right-click the start iconand click "Windows Powershell (Admin)".
- Let'spaste the codebelow into the commandprompt window that opensandpress enterand remove the game service.
- get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
- Do not underany circumstances close the commandpromptafter running theline of code. After theprocess is complete, let's reload the game service.
Theprocess to reinstall the game service isas follows:
- Right-click the start iconand click "Windows Powershell (Admin)".
- Let'spaste the codebelow into the commandprompt window that opensandpress enterand load the game service.
- start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN
- Under no circumstances close the commandpromptafter running theline of code.
After theprocess is complete, let's move on to our other suggestion.
7-) Uninstalland Reinstall Microsoft Store
- Right-click the start iconand click "Windows Powershell (Admin)".
- Let'spaste the codebelow into the commandprompt window that opensandpress enterand remove the Microsoft Store.
- Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage
- Do not underany circumstances close the commandpromptafter running theline of code. After theprocess is complete, let's install the Microsoft Storeagain.
Theprocess we will take to reinstall the Microsoft Store isas follows:
- Right-click the start iconand click "Windows Powershell (Admin)".
- Let'spaste the codebelow into the commandprompt window that opensandpress enterand load the Microsoft Store.
- Get-AppXPackage *WindowsStore* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
- Under no circumstances close the commandpromptafter running theline of code.
After theprocess is complete, let's move on to our other suggestion.
8-) Delete Microsoft Store Cache File
- Type "Run" into the start search screenand open it.
- Type the following file directory in the searchbox on the screen that opensandpress enter.
- %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache
- Let's completely delete the files on the screen that opens. After thisprocess, open the PowerShell commandprompt,paste the followingline of codeandpress enter.
- Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
After successful operation, check if theproblempersists.