The Amazing Spider-Man ASMLauncher Not Opening Issue

In this article, we will try to solve the problem that The Amazing Spider-Man players encounter while running the "ASMLauncher.exe" program hosted in the file.

Apr 14, 2022 - 08:35
Apr 14, 2022 - 08:41
The Amazing Spider-Man ASMLauncher Not Opening Issue
The Amazing Spider-Man ASMLauncher Not Opening Issue

Theproblem of not opening The Amazing Spider-Manplayers when they want to run the "ASMLauncher.exe"program is causedby manyproblems,preventingaccess to the game. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can findasolutionby following the suggestionsbelow.

Why The Amazing Spider-Man ASMLauncher Won't Open

The general reason for this error is due to the firewallblocking the game. Of course, it canbe caused not onlybecause ofasecurityproblem,butalsobecauseacertain .dll file in the game file is not run. Someplayers state that they eliminate theproblemby disablingacertain .dll file in the file.

How to Fix The Amazing Spider-Man ASMLauncher Not Opening Issue?

We can solve theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow to fix this error.

1-) Turn off Antivirus Program

Disableanyantivirusprogram you use, or delete it completely from your computer. If youare using Windows Defender, disable it. For this;

  • Type "virusand threatprotection" into the start search screenand open it.
  • Then click on "Manage settings".
  • Real-timeprotection to "Off".

After this, let's turn off other ransomwareprotection.

  • Open the start search screen.
  • Open the search screenby typing Windows security settings.
  • Click on the Virusand Threat Protection option on the screen that opens.
  • Click on the Ransomware Protection option in the menu.
  • Turn off Controlled Folder Access on the screen that opens.

Afterperforming this operation, we will need toadd The Amazing Spider-Man game filesasan exception.

  • Type "virusand threatprotection" into the start search screenand open it.
  • Virusand threatprotection settings, click Manage settingsand then Exclusions select Add or remove exclusions.
  • Addan exclusionand then select the The Amazing Spider-Man game folder saved to your disk.

After thisprocess, close the Steamprogram completely with the help ofatask managerand try to run The Amazing Spider-Managain. If theproblempersists, let's move on to our next suggestion.

2-) Replace Dll File

After encountering suchaproblem, theplayers observe that they have reached the solution of theproblemby changing the name of "Videodetection.dll" hosted in the file. We can reach the solution of theproblemby realizing this suggestion. For this, you can check whether theproblempersistsbyaccessing the file location of the game,assigning the file name "Videodetection.dll" toany nameand running the "ASMLauncher.exe"program.

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