You Have Uploaded a Debuggable APK in Android Studio

We tried to resolve the "You have installed a debuggable apk or android app bundle" error encountered after building the project in this article.

Dec 3, 2021 - 16:03
You Have Uploaded a Debuggable APK in Android Studio
You Have Uploaded a Debuggable APK in Android Studio

"You have installed a debuggable apk or android app bundle", which app developers encounter after building the app in Android Studio. The error appears because of a simple problem, it is unable to remove the application. If you are encountering such an error, you can solve the problem by performing the following procedure.

How To Fix You Have Installed A Debuggable APK Error

Usually, this error output, which is encountered when an apk file is quickly extracted in Android Studio, of an application that is ready from the outside, such an error is encountered because you did not sign the application. If you do not know exactly how to sign the application, you can easily sign the application by performing the following steps.

  • First, wait for your project to sync.
  • After the synchronization process is finished, click on the Build menu above.
  • Click on Generate Signed Bundle or APK in the menus listed.
  • Select the Android App Bundle option on the screen that opens and click the Next button.

  • We will need to create a new Key Store by clicking the button that says Create New on the screen that opens.
  • On the screen that opens, where it says Key store path, we will select any file and load it into it.

  • After choosing the file path, confirm it by creating a password.

  • After pressing the OK button, you will return to the Generate Signed Bundle or APK menu again. Press the Next button on this screen.

  • The next screen we come across will list the Build Variants. Select the Realse option from these variants and press the Finish button.

After this process, your files will be Build. Now your app is signed and can be added to the Google Play Store. Now you can easily get the apk output of your application.

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