Youtube Image Sizes (2021)
Adjusting the general dimensions according to Youtube standards in order to make your Youtube channel's visibility more attractive and beautiful will make your channel more attractive and beautiful. In this article, we have evaluated and added the picture sizes according to Youtube standards for you.
If you get an error when you try to add a profile and cover image to your Youtube channel, you may have entered the image size incorrectly. If you do not have any information about Youtube's Image Sizes, you can adjust and edit according to the image dimensions mentioned below.
What Are Youtube Picture Sizes? (2021)
With Youtube's newly updated studio, the resolutions for profile and cover photos are changing. Let's take a look at Youtube Picture Sizes together.
Youtube Channel Profile Picture Size: 800x800 pixels
- Our default image resolution for your Youtube profile picture; The size is 800x800px.
- Our visual format; It must be in a format that supports jpg, png, bmp and gif.
- It shows the picture you added on the Youtube site at 98 × 98px resolution.
Youtube Channel Cover Photo Size: 2560x1440 pixels
- Youtube channel's cover photo determines the smallest resolution of the size as 1546x423px.
- The size of the picture we set as the cover photo should not be more than 5MB.
- If you want the YouTube channel cover photo size to look the best; Setting it to 2560x1440px will give a better result in terms of appearance.
Youtube Video Image Size: 1280x720 pixels
- Best resolution according to Youtube video visual size; Setting it to 1280x720px will be better in terms of appearance.